Bhaktapur, a historical town 12 km. east of Kathmandu, the New Year day
is celebrated in grand manner observing religious rituals. The festival
is called Bisket and it has its origin in the ancient history, legends and mythology. Some linguists believe
that the word Bisket originated from two Newari words ‘‘bi’’ for snake
and ‘‘syako’’ for slaughter. People relate different stories about the
festival; however, they are more or less similar. To sum up the differentialstories, serpent demons and the marriage of an extraordinary princess believed to have taken place in the pre- historic time.
On the day before the New Year, about eighty feet long
huge pole, lingam, made of a shore tree, is erected with the efforts of
thousands of people. The symbols of two dead serpents also are hung on the pole.
In the afternoon of New Year’’s Day an enormous crowd gathers
around the pole and feels it amidst great cheers and rejoicing. It
symbolizes the end of the old year.
Source: Nepal Tourism Board